Figure 9.
Deletion of UvEC1 affects the protein accumulation and expression of toxin-encoding genes. (a) Heatmap analysis of levels of toxin-biosynthesis-related proteins in the ∆UvEC1-1 mutant and HWD-2. (b) RT-qPCR analysis of toxin-biosynthesis-related genes in HWD-2 and ∆UvEC1. β-tubulin was used as reference gene. (c) Reduced inhibition of rice seed germination by culture filtrates of the ∆UvEC1 mutants. Shoot lengths were measured after 5 d at 28 °C under illumination in growth incubators. (d) Mean length of rice shoots treated with filtrates from the indicated cultures. 50 rice seeds were shifted to 25-mL culture filtrates at 28 °C for 5 d. Three independent experiments (n = 100) were carried out (mean ± SD), bar =10 mm. Asterisks represent significant differences relative to HWD-2, as determined by LSD at p = 0.05.