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. 2021 Apr 16;8(4):304. doi: 10.3390/children8040304

Table 1.

Demographic, anthropometric, parental and home environment characteristics and fruit, and cooked and raw vegetable consumption frequency of the participating adolescents according to adolescents’ current asthma status (n = 1934).

Current Asthma *
(n = 120)
(n = 1814)
Children’s age (years), mean (SD **) 12.7 (0.59) 12.7 (0.65) 0.51
Children’s BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD) 21.7 (4.4) 20.9 (3.5) 0.017
Pet ownership (Yes, n, %) 39 (32.5) 524 (28.9) 0.407
Having an older sibling (Yes, n, %) 56 (46.7) 773 (42.6) 0.388
Parental atopic history (Yes, n, %) 63 (52.5) 795 (43.7) 0.061
Parental ever smoking (Yes, n, %) 78 (65.0) 1004 (55.3) 0.038
Parental education level (Tertiary, n, %) 75 (62.5) 1207 (66.5) 0.374
Cooking with fuels (Yes, n, %) 58 (48.3) 935 (51.6) 0.484
Current exposure to dampness and/or mold (Yes, n, %) 40 (33.3) 420 (23.1) 0.011
Fruit consumption frequency (n, %)
Most or all days in the past 12 months 69 (57.5) 1219 (67.2) 0.029
Cooked vegetables consumption frequency (n, %)
Most or all days in the past 12 months 22 (18.3) 274 (15.1) 0.321
Raw vegetables consumption frequency (n, %)
Most or all days in the past 12 months 39 (32.5) 732 (40.4) 0.089
All vegetables (cooked and raw) consumption frequency (n, %)
Most or all days in the past 12 months 22 (18.3) 261 (14.4) 0.232
Fruits and all vegetables (cooked and raw) consumption frequency (n, %)
Most or all days in the past 12 months 9 (7.5) 251 (13.8) 0.030

* Current asthma: adolescents reporting having wheezing or whistling in the chest in the past 12 months ** SD: Standard Deviation.