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. 2021 Apr 12;9:630449. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.630449

Table 1.

Context and impacts of major pandemics.

Black Death 1347–1351 Smallpox (New World) 1520–1527 Spanish Flu 1918–1920 COVID-19 2020*
World Population (1) 364.8 million 450.8 million (Americas 60.5 million) (2) 1.86 billion 7.80 billion
Mortality (% global population) In Europe, ≥25 million (25–75% of European population) (3) 2–15 million Aztec deaths (4)
200,000 Incan deaths
Major contributor to 90% population decline in the Americans from 1,500 to 1,600 (2)
17.4–50 million (1–3%) (5, 6) 1,664,344 (0.02%) (7)
Case Fatality Rates Bubonic plague: 50–60%
Pneumonic or septicemic plague: approaching 100% (8)
Estimated ≥50% among Aztecs and North Americans (9) 2–3% (5) 0.25–3.0% (10) (lower estimates more likely)
Number Infected Unknown Unknown 500 million (clinically apparent) (5) 75.1 million (7)
Notable Risk Factor(s) for Severe Disease Overcrowding, poor housing; proximity to fleas and animal reservoir (8) No previous exposure to disease in region (“virgin soil”) (4) Healthy 15–40 year olds, secondary bacterial infection (5) Old age, pre-existing conditions (11)
Transmission Flea bite or close contact with respiratory droplets of a pneumonic plague patient (8)
Low direct interpersonal transmission
Contact with respiratory droplets or aerosols.
Patterns of behavior (contact with the sick) likely enhanced spread (12)
Low dose can be infectious (13)
Contact with respiratory droplets or aerosols (5) Contact with respiratory droplets or aerosols (14).
Available medical interventions and scientific understanding No knowledge of germ theory; contemporary physicians admitted no known effective cures or treatments and recommended fumigation, bleeding, purging, etc. (15) No knowledge of germ theory or effective treatment among Europeans or Americans. Among Native Americans, isolation and traditional medical practices (e.g., sweat lodges, bathing) (9) Knowledge of germ theory but misidentification of aetioglocal agent. Palliative care and homeopathy employed. No vaccine, antiviral, ventilators, or antibiotics for secondary pneumonia (16) Causative virus isolated and genome sequenced. Vaccines in advanced trials and roll-out, general antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic medications available. Ventilators and modern medical practice in use (14)
Disease Control Strategy (at the time) Travel restrictions and isolation at the city-state level. Usually severely enforced and aimed against specific people groups (17)
First record of quarantine.
Minimal; among Native Americans, little evidence for isolation of the sick or other nonpharmaceutical interventions (12) Masks, social distancing, public closures, limits on public gatherings. Poorly and sporadically enforced; ineffectual and too late (17) Near-global lockdown, quarantine, masks, track and trace (14)
Implementation varies by country, ranging from highly successful to poorly enforced.
Population Effects Strong, lasting effect negative effect on global population growth. European population did not recover to pre-plague levels until mid-16th century (18) Minimal effect on global population growth, but wiped out populations in New World (~90%), extinction of some people groups (4) Temporary global population growth decline during period of outbreak (6) No anticipated effects on global population growth.
Corollary effects on public health may reduce life expectancy (19)
Long Term Economic Effects Labor shortages led to higher wages, European peasant revolts, and shifts in sociodemographic power dynamics. Increased innovation and mobility of labor (18) Shift balance of power in New World, leading to societal collapse of Native Americans and enriching colonial European powers (4) Limited and obscured by WWI. Sharp but short-term effects on industry. Entry of new groups into labor force (20)
Towns that had quick shutdowns fared better
Unclear; driven by large-scale response methods and spontaneous reduction of economic activity. Predicted surge in poverty, lower investment, reduced global trade. Strongest impact in developing economies (21)

Figures accurate as of 18 December, 2020.