Table of parameters.
v i | Inhibition effect of its self-adaptation |
yj | Signal from other j-RG neurons, y j calculated as y j = max (x j,0) |
w (RG,ij) | Synaptic weight of j-RG neuron and i-RG neuron |
τ and T | The inner-state and self-adaptation effects |
αi | sensory feedback of i-RG neuron |
αi,0 | Basic stimulation of the ith neuron |
w (FR,ij) and w (SR,ij) | The synaptic weights of the force afferent (F i) and the swing-phase afferent (S i) of the ith leg to the jth RG neuron |
w (NS,ij) | The synaptic weights of the nociceptor afferent (N i), a pain receptor that detects the condition of leg damage and sends damage stimuli to RG neurons |
G STIM | The gain parameter controlling the relationship between speed stimulation S STIM and the sensory network |
τ f | Frequency control parameter |