Fig. 2.
The overall architecture of the encapsulin shell from M. smegmatis. (A) View down the fivefold symmetry axis. Symmetry axes are marked with red symbols. A single pentamer monomer is shown in purple. (B) View to the inside of the shell from the cross-section. (C) The structure of the shell monomer is organized into three conversed folds, P-domain, A-domain, and E-loop. (D) Structural alignment of shell monomers from M. smegmatis (Ms) T = 1, T. maritima (Tm) T = 1 (PDB 3DKT), M. xanthus (Mx) T = 3 (PDB 4PT2), Q. thermotolerans (Qt) T = 4 (PDB 6NJ8), and bacteriophage HK97 T = 7 (PDB 2FT1).