Rates of protein evolution (dN/dS) in different broad classes of loci.
Per locus dN/dS |
Loci with dN/dS > 1 |
Class | N loci | Mean | SE | Median | Tukey test1 | Number | Proportion2 | Fisher’s exact tests1 |
General | 16221 | 0.2709 | 0.0026 | 0.20 | a | 399 | 0.0246 | a |
Vegetative | 923 | 0.2783 | 0.0111 | 0.19 | ab | 26 | 0.0282 | ab |
Reproductive | 670 | 0.3071 | 0.0142 | 0.21 | b | 28 | 0.0418 | b |
dN/dS calculated for each locus using a one ratio test in PAML.
1See Supplementary Table 4.
2The proportion of genes with dN/dS > 1 differed among classes of loci (X2 = 7.9696, p = 0.0186).