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. 2021 Apr 19;10(4):897. doi: 10.3390/foods10040897

Table 4.

Effect of hen genotype A, B, C, and D, age, and their interaction on LS-means of egg albumen parameters between the 21st and 54th week of age, n = 180 for genotype A and 270 for genotypes B, C and D.

Genotype (G) A B C D Effect of SEM
G Age G * Age
Albumen pH 9.41 9.35 9.36 9.36 NS *** NS 0.019
Albumen DM,% 13.58 a 13.13 c 13.34 b 13.08 c *** *** * 0.042
Albumen, % (w/w) 63.4 c 65.7 a 65.3 a,b 65.0 b *** *** NS 0.199

a–c values of same parameter with different letter superscript are significantly different at * (p < 0.05) or *** (p < 0.001). NS = non-significant. SEM = standard error of mean. DM = dry matter.