Figure 4.
Transcriptomic responses to lice and diets at 7 and 21 dpc (a) Heatmap of mean log2-ER with dendrogram for the genes. One line represents one gene, and each column is a study group. Blue is for downregulation and red for upregulation. The heatmap was cut into seven clusters. The bar plots in the middle show the mean values of the respective clusters with +/− SEM error bars. Black lines in the heatmap indicate where clusters begin and end. The numbers of genes per cluster are shown. (b) The enrichment analysis of functional categories of STARS (Krasnov et al., 2011a) was performed within the clusters. Each vertical line represents one cluster. Dots on these lines indicate a significant enrichment of the categories shown on the right end (Fisher test p-value < 0.05). Colors indicate categories related to Cell structures and processes, Immune system, Metabolism and Tissue structure and development. Abbreviations: OL, IL—outer and inner layers, M, C—diets, D—days post-challenge (dpc).