Conservation of the structures of snake venom and mammalian sPLA2s. (A) 3D structures of a group I neuro-myotoxin (notexin of Notechis scutatus scutatus, PDB entry AE7) and of human PLA2G1B (PDB entry 3ELO) and their superposition. (B) 3D structures of a group II myotoxin (bothropstoxin-I of Bothrops jararacussu, PDB entry 3I3I) and of human PLA2G2A (PDB entry 1BBC) and their superposition. The calcium binding loop region is colored in grey. PLA2G1B has an extra loop, named the pancreatic loop, represented in magenta. The lateral chains of the amino acids involved in the active site are represented in ball and sticks: H48 in yellow, D49 in orange. Bothropstoxin-I is a PLA2-like toxin (not-D49) with a lysine (in green) in the place of the glutamic acid 49.