Figure 4.
Associations between coagulation variables and clinical and imaging findings. The columns indicate the percentage of patients whose coagulation variables were outside the reference limits (elevated FVIII > 148 IU/dL, decreased FXIII < 76 IU/dL, and elevated D-dimer ≥ 0.5 mg/L). (A) Lesion size; comparison of the largest size group (>25 cm) with the smaller size group. (B) Lesion location; single location lesions are limited to one location (head/neck, extremities, or trunk), multiple locations extend to more than one location or indicate multiple lesions in different locations. (C) Lesion depth; a comparison between 1. subcutaneous, 2. muscle-, joint-, and/or bone-affecting, and 3. intrathoracic, intra-abdominal, or retroperitoneal lesions. The p-values are non-applicable in C due to too small groups for the Chi-square test. (D) MRI-based morphology; comparison between discrete, well-demarcated lesions and diffuse or multifocal lesions.