Table 7.
Therapeutic Potential of Epigenetic Modulators in Epilepsy
Model | Therapeutic Potential | Modification | Citation |
Wistar rats, pilocarpine | Ketogenic diet reduces global methylation and seizure severity | DNA methylation | Kobow et al., 2013 |
C57 mice, kainic acid | RG108 prevents RASgrf1 methylation and reduces seizures | DNA methylation | Chen et al., 2017 |
SD rats, kainic acid | Methionine restores BDNF methylation to improve memory | DNA methylation | Parrish et al., 2015 |
SD rats, pilocarpine | TSA reverses deacetylation of H4 at the GRIA2 promoter | Histone acetylation | Huang et al., 2002 |
WAG/Rij rats | Pretreatment of SB, VPA, or both reduces seizure severity | Histone acetylation | Citraro et al., 2019 |
C57 mice, hippocampus kindling | SB improves functional recovery and reduces epileptic morphology | Histone acetylation | Reddy et al., 2018 |
Human serum | Epilepsy can be predicted with 81% specificity by miRNA biomarkers | MiRNA | Wang et al., 2015 |
C57 mice, pilocarpine | miR-134 antagomir reduced number of mice that developed seizures and reduced severity in those that did | MiRNA | 24874920 |
C57 mice, pentylenetetrazol | miR-134 antagomir reduces seizure severity and epileptic behavior | MiRNA | 28325299 |
C57 mice, kainic acid | miR-132 antagomir reduces neurotoxicity after seizures | MiRNA | 21945804 |
SD rats, kainic acid | Upregulating miR-124 has both anti-epileptic and pro-epileptic effects | MiRNA | 26947066 |
SD rats, kainic acid | Inhibition of H19 prevents neurotoxicity after seizures | LncRNA | 29795132 |