Fig 2. Forest plots for absolute error in sagittal plane repositioning between NSLBP and asymptomatic individuals.
a) Absolute error between asymptomatic individuals and NSLBP patients, b) Absolute error between asymptomatic individuals and patients with moderate to severe NSLPB symptoms, c) Absolute error between asymptomatic individuals and patients with mild NSLBP symptoms, d) Absolute error between asymptomatic individuals and patients with flexion-aggravated NSLBP, and e) Absolute error between asymptomatic individuals and patients with extension-aggravated NSLBP. Data for one study [58] was requested and provided by the authors, and two papers [42, 43] from the same research group were combined in quantitative synthesis as one served as the NSLBP group and the other as the control group. The line crossing the summary effect estimate (diamond) in the forest plots represents the prediction interval, assuming that the effects are normally distributed [36]. Abbreviations: SMD, standardized mean difference; SE, standard error; CI, confidence intervals; NSLBP, non-specific low back pain.