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. 2021 Mar 26;68(3):551–561. doi: 10.3233/WOR-203393

Table 1.

Participant overview

Name a Gender Working status Occupation before burnout Occupation at interview Rehabilitation duration - in months Interview time - in minutes
Deborahb F 100%(5 days per week) Scientist Change agent living environmentsd 12 120 + 50f
Mayab F 80%(4 days per week) Marketing / consultant Marketing / consultantc 14 75 + 55f
Jackb M 80–100% Financial consultant Company owner (advisor workplace health)d 5.5 125
Clarab F 100% Marketing at a university Scientistc 18 97 + 45f
Charlesb M 100% Project leader, railway construction Project leader, railway constructionc 6 96 + 43f
Annab F 80–100% Traineeship Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, advisor Company owner (lifestyle coach)d 18 117
Ivanna F 80–100% Scientist Scientistd 18 109 + 52f
Yasmine F 100% ICT specialist Company owner (advisor workplace health)d 3 79
Yoshito M 20–40% Scientist Scientist, lecturer > 15e 154

Note. The participants’ ages at the time of the interviews were: 32, 27, 29, 26, 38, 29, 27, 31, 26 (to protect participants’ identity, the ages are not mentioned in the same sequence as the interviews). aParticipants were given fictitious names; the first letter of the name represents the order of the interviews; bContribution master student; cChange of job tasks / responsibilities; dChange of organization; eStill rehabilitating; fParticipated in the participant check.