Fig. 2.
Physician and patient perspectives on the education and guidance on hypertension and its management. a Physician and patient perspectives on the education and guidance provided at the initial diagnosis, b patient-reported education regarding target blood pressure, and c physician and patient perspectives on the feedback or confirmations attained during follow-up assessments. BP blood pressure, BMI body mass index, DBP diastolic blood pressure, SBP systolic blood pressure. 1Chronic kidney disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, etc. 2Percentage of patients and physicians who responded “firmly” or “to some extent.” Based on patient question Q2 (Supplementary Document 4; did you receive explanations regarding the following factors from your doctor at your initial consultation for hypertension? Please select the most appropriate response for each factor, and how thoroughly you received explanations from your doctor) and physician question Q3 (Supplementary Document 2; how thoroughly do you (the doctor) explain each of the following education and guidance factors to your patients? Please select the most appropriate response that applies to each patient education factor). Scale ranging from “very thoroughly” to “none” for both questions. 3Based on patient question Q11 (Supplementary Document 4; what kind of explanation did the doctor give you about your target blood pressure? Please provide the numerical target value if your doctor provided you with one). Figure depicts the sum of responses in which the patients reported “I was informed of the numerical value” and “I was informed of the numerical range.” Respondents were asked whether a specific value or a range was provided for both SBP and DBP. 4Based on patient question Q3 (Supplementary Document 4; did you receive feedback (or confirmation) regarding the following factors from your doctor during your follow-up consultation for the treatment of hypertension? Please select the most appropriate response for each factor, regarding how thoroughly you received feedback (or confirmation) from your doctor) and physician question Q5 (Supplementary Document 2; how thoroughly do you confirm (or feedback to the patient) each of the following symptom and lifestyle modification factors with your patients? Please select the most appropriate response that applies to each patient education factor). Scale ranging from “very thoroughly” to “none” for both questions