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. 2021 Apr 26;11:8885. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-88299-0

Table 4.

Microbial counts (Log10 cfu/g) in the digesta of chickens supplemented with probiotics and challenged with Pasteurella multocida.

Content Treatment P-value
NC−  PC−  Pro−  Pro+  PC+  NC+  SEM
Day 21
 Total aerobes 8.45ab 6.87c 8.53ab 9.39a 7.91bc 8.47ab 0.345 0.008
 Enterobacteria 4.80ab 4.74ab 3.54b 3.54b 5.19a 5.30a 0.329 0.017
 LAB 7.55a 7.37a 8.11a 8.48a 7.39a 7.91a 0.181 0.205
 Yeast 6.48a 6.73a 6.65a 6.66a 5.70b 5.60b 0.210 0.018
 P. multocida 0.00b 0.00b 0.00b 0.50b 5.54a 5.20a 1.109 0.001
 Total aerobes 8.78a 7.77a 9.06a 8.95a 8.35a 8.46a 0.194 0.402
 Enterobacteria 5.64a 5.73a 3.99b 3.48b 5.40a 5.86a 0.379 0.020
 LAB 8.25ab 7.75b 9.35a 9.11ab 7.87ab 8.07ab 0.273 0.015
 Yeast 7.66a 8.22a 8.85a 8.41a 7.87a 7.90a 0.177 0.082
 P. multocida 0.00c 0.00c 0.00c 2.54b 5.85a 5.87a 1.172 0.000
 Total aerobes 9.55a 9.00a 9.67a 9.08a 8.69a 9.09a 0.149 0.087
 Enterobacteria 5.84a 6.29a 3.06b 3.33b 6.22a 6.51a 0.438 0.017
 LAB 8.54b 8.99ab 9.69a 9.28ab 8.65b 8.59b 0.187 0.014
 Yeast 8.54c 8.99bc 9.68a 9.26ab 7.15d 7.61d 0.403 0.001
 P. multocida 0.00c 0.00c 0.00c 3.65b 6.86a 6.40a 1.338 0.010
Day 28
 Total aerobes 8.34ab 7.37b 9.45a 9.44a 8.22ab 9.20a 0.341 0.041
 Enterobacteria 4.80b 4.89b 3.03c 2.98c 5.45ab 5.92a 0.415 0.025
 LAB 8.45bc 7.83c 8.93b 9.96a 7.77c 8.36bc 0.331 0.012
 Yeast 7.26a 7.13a 7.29a 7.00a 6.00a 7.20a 0.201 0.218
 P. multocida 0.00c 0.00c 0.00c 1.50b 4.65a 4.74a 0.941 0.013
 Total aerobes 8.26ab 7.74b 9.31a 9.55a 8.23ab 8.75ab 0.283 0.041
 Enterobacteria 6.22b 6.34ab 2.41c 3.06c 6.60ab 7.04a 0.448 0.000
 LAB 7.75c 8.25abc 9.35a 9.14ab 8.18bc 8.20bc 0.253 0.002
 Yeast 8.22b 7.69b 9.47a 8.23b 7.15b 7.69b 0.324 0.040
 P. multocida 0.00c 0.00c 0.00C 2.65b 6.72a 7.01a 1.126 0.001
 Total aerobes 9.35b 9.00c 9.89a 9.67a 9.10c 8.62d 0.193 0.042
 Enterobacteria 6.81ab 6.17b 3.13c 3.52c 7.13ab 7.81a 0.514 0.007
 LAB 8.54b 8.48b 9.84a 9.69a 8.92b 8.47b 0.254 0.039
 Yeast 7.75b 8.33b 9.93a 8.70ab 7.61a 7.75a 0.359 0.043
 P. multocida 0.00c 0.00c 0.00c 3.28b 6.53a 6.62a 1.332 0.006

Values are means of two replicates and standard errors of means. Within each variable, values with the same superscript letter are not significantly different according to Duncan’s multiple range test (P > 0.05).

NC−: unchallenged negative control; PC−: unchallenged positive control; Pro−: unchallenged probiotics control; Pro+: challenged probiotic control; PC+: challenged positive control; NC+: challenged negative control.