Figure 4.
Left: Singular value vector, , computed by HOSVD applied to . Open black circles: 1st, (0.61) open red triangles: 2nd (− 0.77), green crosses: 3rd (− 0.41), blue crosses: 4th PC loading (0.48). The numbers in parentheses are the Pearson’s correlation coefficients. Hours (horizontal axis) represent the duration after the treatments. Horizontal magenta broken line indicates baseline (zero). Middle: singular value vector, , computed by HOSVD applied to . Open black circles: 1st (0.78). open red triangles: 2nd (− 0.70), green crosses: 3rd (− 0.47), blue crosses: 4th PC loading (0.52). The numbers in parentheses are the Pearson’s correlation coefficients. Hours (horizontal axis) represent the duration after the treatments. Horizontal magenta broken line indicates baseline (zero). Right: scatter plot between (horizontal axis) and (vertical axis). The red broken line indicates .