Table 1.
Pre-treatment | Time of assessment | Source of assessment |
Sociodemographic data | BL | Phone call |
ADIS-IV | BL, Post-T, FU | Phone call |
Preferences Scale | BL, Post-T, FU | Phone call |
Treatment's opinion | Post-T | Phone call |
Qualitative interview | Post-T | Phone call |
FFQ-II | BL, Post-T, FU | NO-FEAR Airlines/SurveyMonkey |
FFS | BL, Post-T, FU | Phone call |
Fear and Avoidance Scales | BL, Post-T, FU | Phone call |
Clinician Severity Scale | BL, Post-T, FU | Phone call |
Expectations Scale/Satisfaction Scale | BL, Post-T, FU | Phone call |
FP particularities | BL, Post-T, FU | NO-FEAR Airlines |
Anxiety during exposure | During exposure scenarios | NO-FEAR Airlines |
Sense of presence and reality judgement | After exposure scenarios | NO-FEAR Airlines |
Exposure cycles | After exposure scenarios | NO-FEAR Airlines |
Patient's Improvement Scale | Post-T, FU | Phone call |
RJPQ | Post-T | NO-FEAR Airlines |
ADIS-IV: Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule; FFQ-II: Fear of Flying Questionnaire; FFS: Fear of Flying Scale; FP: Flying Phobia; RJPQ: Reality Judgement and Presence Questionnaire.