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. 2021 Apr 27;27(8):1158–1166. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2021.04.010

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics, co-morbidities and symptoms of all eligible patients and in the cohort of patients having filled the medical questionnaire by type of PCR results (positive, negative, untested)

All eligible patients (n = 43 103) Eligible patients with a completed medical questionnaire (n = 29 104) Medical questionnaire and positive PCR (n = 7320) Medical questionnaire and negative PCR (n = 5281) Medical questionnaire and no PCR result
(n = 16 503)
General characteristics
 Age, mean (SD) 42.9 ± 14.3 43.0 ± 14.0 43.0 ± 13.9 43.1 ± 14.3 42.9 ± 13.9
 Women 26 668 (61.9%) 18 329 (63.0%) 5006 (68.5%) 3440 (65.2%) 9883 (59.9%)
 Male 16 385 (38.1%) 10 743 (37.0%) 2301 (31.5%) 1835 (34.8%) 6607 (40.1%)
Time to registration in Covidom
 After symptom onset, days, median (Q1–Q3) 4.0 (2.0–8.0) 4.0 (2.0–7.0) 5.0 (3.0–8.0) 4.0 (2.0–7.0) 4.0 (2.0–7.0)
 After physician referral, days, median (Q1–Q3) 0.0 (0.0–1.0) 0.0 (0.0–0.0) 0.0 (0.0–0.0) 0.0 (0.0–1.0) 0.0 (0.0–0.0)
High-risk profile 17 160 (39.8%) 11 521 (39.6%) 2710 (37.0%) 2406 (45.6%) 6405 (38.8%)
Mode of inclusion
 GP 23 087 (53.6%) 16 115 (55.4%) 1781 (24.3%) 2921 (55.3%) 11 413 (69.2%)
 Hospital 11 977 (27.8%) 8053 (27.7%) 4475 (61.1%) 1763 (33.4%) 1815 (11.0%)
 EMS 8039 (18.7%) 4936 (17.0%) 1064 (14.5%) 597 (11.3%) 3275 (19.8%)
Socio-economic indicators
 District median income in euros, median (Q1–Q3) 24 110.0 (20 320.0–27 990.0) 24 110.0 (20 320.0–27 990.0) 23 160.0 (19 720.0–27 700.0) 24 110.0 (20 320.0–28 180.0) 24 110.0 (20 320.0–28 180.0)
 Lowest income districts (Q1) 11 718 (27.5%) 7759 (27.0%) 2286 (31.7%) 1357 (26.0%) 4116 (25.3%)
 Median income districts (Q2-Q3) 20 313 (47.8%) 13 862 (48.3%) 3317 (46.0%) 2535 (48.6%) 8010 (49.2%)
 Highest income districts (Q4) 10 505 (24.7%) 7103 (24.7%) 1610 (22.3%) 1322 (25.4%) 4171 (25.6%)
Risk factors
 18 ≤ Age ≤ 45 years 25 455 (59.1%) 17 049 (58.6%) 4160 (56.9%) 3096 (58.6%) 9793 (59.4%)
 45 < Age ≤ 65 years 14 626 (33.9%) 10 204 (35.1%) 2774 (37.9%) 1806 (34.2%) 5624 (34.1%)
 Age > 65 years 3016 (7.0%) 1845 (6.3%) 383 (5.2%) 379 (7.2%) 1083 (6.6%)
 BMI (kg/m2), median (Q1–Q3) 24.8 (22.1-28.4) 25.3 (22.4-29.1) 24.7 (21.9-28.4) 24.7 (22.0-28.2)
 Healthy weight (BMI ≤25 kg/m2) 14 621 (51.5%) 3424 (47.9%) 2700 (53.0%) 8497 (52.6%)
 Overweight (BMI 25–30 kg/m2) 8568 (30.2%) 2185 (30.6%) 1451 (28.5%) 4932 (30.5%)
 Obesity (BMI >30 kg/m2) 5195 (18.3%) 1532 (21.5%) 942 (18.5%) 2721 (16.8%)
 Current tobacco use 5103 (17.7%) 790 (10.9%) 1163 (22.5%) 3150 (19.2%)
Main co-morbidities
 Asthma 3685 (12.8%) 814 (11.2%) 824 (16.0%) 2047 (12.5%)
 Hypertension 3546 (12.3%) 978 (13.5%) 706 (13.7%) 1862 (11.4%)
 Diabetes 1385 (4.8%) 402 (5.6%) 286 (5.5%) 697 (4.2%)
 Heart failure 557 (1.9%) 118 (1.6%) 138 (2.7%) 301 (1.8%)
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 517 (1.8%) 87 (1.2%) 147 (2.8%) 283 (1.7%)
 Coronary artery disease 399 (1.4%) 77 (1.1%) 97 (1.9%) 225 (1.4%)
 Cancer under treatment 322 (1.1%) 92 (1.3%) 106 (2.1%) 124 (0.8%)
 Chronic renal disease 312 (1.1%) 66 (0.9%) 69 (1.3%) 177 (1.1%)
Multiple co-morbidities (>1) 1881 (6.5%) 465 (6.4%) 459 (8.9%) 957 (5.8%)
None of the reported co-morbidities 20 468 (71.1%) 5180 (71.6%) 3378 (65.5%) 11 910 (72.6%)
 General symptoms
 Fatigue 25 014 (85.9%) 6592 (90.1%) 4330 (82.0%) 14 092 (85.4%)
 Temperature ≥38.5°C 14 124 (48.5%) 4130 (56.4%) 2160 (40.9%) 7834 (47.5%)
 Shivers 15 706 (54.0%) 4162 (56.9%) 2570 (48.7%) 8974 (54.4%)
 Myalgia 15 721 (54.0%) 4443 (60.7%) 2574 (48.7%) 8704 (52.7%)
 Fatigue, shivers, or myalgia 26 258 (90.2%) 6819 (93.2%) 4582 (86.8%) 14 857 (90.0%)
 Respiratory symptoms
 Cough 18 014 (61.9%) 4910 (67.1%) 2816 (53.3%) 10 288 (62.3%)
 Shortness of breath 14 358 (49.3%) 3470 (47.4%) 2606 (49.3%) 8282 (50.2%)
 Chest pain 7643 (26.4%) 1587 (21.8%) 1433 (27.5%) 4623 (28.1%)
 Chest oppression 7913 (27.2%) 1713 (23.4%) 1479 (28.0%) 4721 (28.6%)
 Gastrointestinal symptoms
 Anorexia 11 216 (38.5%) 3528 (48.2%) 1616 (30.6%) 6072 (36.8%)
 Nausea/vomiting 6478 (22.3%) 1771 (24.2%) 1292 (24.5%) 3415 (20.7%)
 Diarrhoea 10 483 (36.0%) 2742 (37.5%) 1848 (35.0%) 5893 (35.7%)
 Neurological symptoms
 Anosmia 9109 (31.3%) 4039 (55.2%) 644 (12.2%) 4426 (26.8%)
 Ageusia 9170 (31.5%) 3859 (52.7%) 760 (14.4%) 4551 (27.6%)
 Cutaneous symptoms
 Rash 2851 (9.8%) 721 (9.8%) 499 (9.4%) 1631 (9.9%)
 Chilblains 580 (2.0%) 128 (1.8%) 111 (2.1%) 341 (2.1%)
 Conjunctivitis 2222 (7.6%) 530 (7.2%) 408 (7.7%) 1284 (7.8%)
Diagnosis confirmation
 PCR Untested 14 983 (54.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 14 983 (100.0%)
 PCR Negative 5281 (19.1%) 0 (0.0%) 5281 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%)
 PCR Positive 7320 (26.5%) 7320 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; EMS, emergency medical service; GP, general practitioner.

Values are number (percentage) unless stated otherwise.