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. 2021 Apr 12;8(4):e20424. doi: 10.2196/20424

Table 5.

Pilot study: coping plan for managing signs and symptoms (n=11).

Rating Definition Personalized anchor and plan (user ID)

Anchor Plan
+4 Severe up Poor judgment, dangerous behaviors, not sleeping, hallucinations/delusions Super aggressive (2005)
Invincible (2001)
Risky activities (2041)
Increase supervision. (2063)
Let supports know. (2086)
+3 Moderate up Many symptoms day to day, manic episode probably happening, difficult to maintain activities/routine Hardly sleeping (2001)
Really angry (2005)
Excessive energy (2008)
Stick to routine. (2016)
Lean on family for support. (2008)
+2 Mild up Some ongoing symptoms or early warning signs, manic episode may be coming, can still maintain activities/routine Bizarre thoughts (2016)
Short-tempered (2005)
Sleep less (2001)
Be conscious, notice signs. (2003)
Ask supports if noticing manic symptoms. (2005)
+1 Slight up Response to recent/upcoming good event, likely normal variation in wellness, understandable and manageable Friendly (2005)
More social (2016)
More active (2041)
Watch substance intake, especially alcohol, during the week. (2063)
Moderate alcohol consumption. (2001)
0 Balanced Neither up nor down, doing well Balanced sleep (2016)
Energy level is normal (2001)
Productive (2001)
Recognize you are doing a great job! (2041)
Eat healthy and exercise. (2063)
-1 Slight down Response to recent/upcoming bad event, likely normal variation in wellness, understandable and manageable Pessimistic reaction to events (2005)
Can't motivate self (2016)
Irritable (2003)
Let self feel sad, then move on because [I] can't change events. (2008)
Do things that make you happy. (2003)
-2 Mild down Some ongoing symptoms or early warning signs, depressive episode may be coming, can still maintain activities/routine Crying (2016)
Start losing appetite (2005)
More restless (2008)

Try not to sleep too much or spend too much time in bed. (2003)
Live day by day. (2008)
-3 Moderate down Many symptoms day to day, depressive episode probably happening, difficult to maintain activities/routine Trouble leaving house (2041)
Oversleeping (2016)
Grooming not shaving (2008)
Go to [my] mom's house. (2016)
Call family supports. (2041)
-4 Severe down Serious ideas about suicide. Immobilized. Dangerous behaviors. Disrupted sleep. Hallucinations/delusions. Actively trying to harm self (2003)
Odd thoughts (2008)
Hate cycle (2016)
See doctor immediately. (2008)
Contact those you trust. (2003)