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. 2021 May 31;19(2):355–360. doi: 10.9758/cpn.2021.19.2.355

Table 1.

Patients receiving varenicline for smoking reduction and resulting effects on drug-induced movement disorders

Patient, Age (yr)/Sex Diagnosis/ Antipsychotic Measure Study visit

Screen Week 0 Baselinea Week 2 Week 3 Quit date Week 6 Week 8 Week 10 Week 12
65/Male Schizophrenia/ Paliperidone TLFBb 7 20 20 10
COc 18 7 10 5
AIMSd 16 12 17 14
SASe 1 0 1
BASf 6 5 6
47/Male Schizophrenia/ Paliperidone TLFB 10 10 10 10 4 4 3
CO 13 11 9 14 9 6 5
AIMS 6 5 6 8 8 6 5
SAS 10 9 6 6
BAS 5 5 5 4
65/Male Schizophrenia/ Paliperidone TLFB 14 14 8 5
CO 27 33 6 14
AIMS 4 6 4 4
SAS 0 0 0
BAS 0 0 0

aVarenicline titration initiated at baseline, bTimeline-Follow Back mean daily cigarette consumption, cCarbon monoxide exhaled in parts per million (ppm), dAbnormal Involuntary Movement Scale, eSimpson Angus Scale, fBarnes Akathisia Scale.