Expression of LBH in cochlear and vestibular HCs. (A) Cell type-specific expression of Lbh mRNA in HCs and SCs from four published RNA-seq data sets. The expression RPKM value of SCs was used as reference. D, Deiters’ cells; P, pillar cells; I, IHCs; O, OHCs. (B) Fluorescent microscopy picture of antibody staining of LBH protein in a cryosection of the cochlea from a P3 wild-type mouse. The stria vascularis (SV), IHCs, OHCs and greater epithelium ridge (GER) are marked. (C,D) LBH expression (red) in the organ of Corti from a P12 wild-type mouse using confocal optical sectioning with (C) and without DAPI (D). LBH expression was observed in the cytosol and nuclei of IHCs and OHCs. (E) Lack of LBH protein expression in hair cells in a P12 Lbh-null mouse. (F) LBH expression in P30 cochlear HCs from wild-type mouse. (G-I) Optical section of the saccule, utricle and crista from an adult wild-type mouse. The HCs are outlined and nuclei of SCs are indicated. Phalloidin staining of stereocilia bundles of HCs in the saccule, utricle and crista are presented in the bottom panels. The yellow lines in each panel indicate where the optical section was made. Scale bars: 10 µm (B); 5 µm (C-I).