Table 1 |.
Troubleshooting advice
Step | Problem | Possible reason | Solution |
4 | Bleeding during dissection of the left common renal arterial bifurcation | Renal vein rupture | Mild bleeding can be treated with gentle compression using a cotton tip |
If excessive bleeding occurs, the animal needs to be excluded from the experiment | |||
Unable to dissect the renal arterial bifurcation | Renal arterial malformation | Dissect the bifurcation along the left main renal artery. The bifurcation may be close or distal to the renal hilum area | |
If there is no renal arterial bifurcation, the animal needs to be excluded from the experiment | |||
5 | Lack of ischemia in the left renal upper pole | The ligation is not tight enough | Religate the left renal superior branch artery |
14 | The REJV is not long enough for AVF creation | Insufficient REJV dissection has been performed | Continue to dissect the REJV until it enters the muscle |
If the distal end is ligated, the animal should be excluded from the experiment | |||
The REJV has been ligated by mistake | The REJV is larger than the branch vein | ||
15 | Bleeding after removing the sternocleidomastoid muscle | There is at least one vessel supplying the sternocleidomastoid muscle | The muscle can be cauterized using an electronic cutter |
Before cutting the muscle, ligate the ends using 6–0 sutures to decrease bleeding | |||
17 | Poor patency after creation of the AVF | The anastomosis is too small | Before creating the AVF anastomosis, the ReJV should be gently perfused using heparinized saline |
Heparinization is not adequate | Systemic heparinization of the animal and endovascular flushing with heparinized saline are helpful to prevent thrombosis after AVF creation | ||
18 | Bleeding after AVF creation | The stitches are not tight enough | Mild bleeding can be treated with gentle compression using a cotton tip |
Excessive bleeding requires the inflow artery to be clamped. Place an extra suture if needed or exclude the animal from the experiment | |||
29 and 30 | The ReJV is not long enough to perform the angioplasty | Insufficient outflow vessel dissection has been performed | Continue to dissect the ReJV and clear the pectoralis major muscle |
Exclude the animal from the experiment | |||
The puncture point is not at the end of the outflow vessel | The puncture point should be chosen to be as far away as possible from the anastomosis | ||
33 | Failure to perform the angioplasty | The balloon catheter cannot be advanced to the anastomosis | The surface of the balloon catheter needs to be soaked in heparinized saline before performing the angioplasty. If there is resistance to advancing the balloon catheter, gentle rotation will be helpful |
The balloon catheter slides out during the angioplasty | During the angioplasty procedure, the balloon catheter should be fixed by microvascular forceps | ||
The angioplasty-treated vessel ruptures after the angioplasty | The angioplasty needs to be performed at designated pressure using an inflation device | ||
34 | Bleeding after angioplasty | The sutures are not tight enough, or a suture is loose | Mild bleeding can be treated with gentle compression using a cotton tip |
Excessive bleeding requires the inflow artery to be clamped. Place an extra suture if needed or exclude the animal from the experiment |