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. 2021 Feb 15;50(4):20200367. doi: 10.1259/dmfr.20200367

Table 1.

Cone-beam CT manufacturers and respective models reported by systematic reviews according to dentistry specialties

Manufacturer Model Endodontics Implant Orthodontics OMFS Pathology Paediatric dentistry Periodontology Radiology TMJ
3M IMTEC (USA) ILUMA 116 117 118 - - - - 419–22 - 7
Acteon (France) Whitefox - - - 123 - - 120 - 2
Asahi Roentgen (Japan) Alphard VEGA - - 124 - - - 225,26 - - 3
PSR9000 - 117 127 128 123 - - - - 4
0 1 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 7
Carestream/Kodak (France) Kodak 9000 229,30 - - - - 131 325,32,33 419–22 - 10
CS8100 130 - - - - - - - - 1
CS9300 - - - - - - 125 220,34 - 3
CS9500 - 117 - - - - 225,33 319,20,22 - 6
3 1 0 0 0 1 6 9 0 20
Dentsply Sirona (Germany) Galileos 330,35,36 117 224,37 - - 131 - 219,38 139 10
Galileos Compact - 140 - - - - 225,32 - - 3
Galileos Comfort 141 - - - - - 142 220,21 - 4
Orthophos XG 3D - - - - - - - 219,38 - 2
4 2 2 0 0 1 3 6 1 19
HDX Will (Republic of Korea) Dinnova - - - - - - - 120 - 1
Hitachi (Japan) CB MercuRay - - 618,24,27,37,43,44 228,45 - 131 - 719–22,34,38,46 - 16
CB Throne - - - - - - - 138 - 1
0 0 6 2 0 1 0 8 0 17
J Morita (Japan) 3D Accuitomo 716,29,35,36,47–49 317,40,50 124 145 - 131 725,26,33,42,51–53 620–22,38,46,54 - 26
3D Accuitomo FPD 80 141 155 - - - - 525,26,32,51,52 119 - 8
3D Accuitomo 170 816,30,35,36,41,47,49,56 217,50 127 145 - 131 125 121 - 15
Veraviewepocs 329,30,48 - - - - - - 219,20 - 5
19 6 2 2 0 2 13 10 0 54
KaVo Kerr (USA) 3D eXam 141 - 224,44 - - - - 619–22,34,54 - 9
KaVo/Imaging Science International (USA) i-CAT 829,30,35,36,41,47,48,57 317,40,50 718,24,27,37,43,44,58 628,45,59–62 123 131 725,26,32,33,42,51,52 519,21,34,38,54 163 39
i-CAT Classic 130 117 - - - 131 - 219,20 - 5
i-CAT Next Generation 416,30,35,36 317,40,55 118 - - 131 - 219,20 139 12
i-CAT FLX - - - - - - - 219,21 - 2
13 7 8 6 1 3 7 11 2 58
KaVo/Instrumentarium (Finland) OP300 - - - - - 131 - - - 1
KaVo/Soredex (Finland) Cranex 3D - - - - - - - 220,21 - 2
Scanora 3D 330,35,36 - - 345,59,60 - 131 425,26,33,42 519–22,54 - 16
3 0 0 3 0 1 4 7 0 18
MyRay (Italy) Skyview - - - - - - - 219,20 - 2
PiXAMED (Thailand) DentiiScan - - - - - - - 120 - 1
Planmeca (Finland) ProMax 3D 336,41,56 117 - - - - 425,33,42,52 519–22,54 - 13
ProMax 3D Classic - - - - 123 - - - - 1
ProMax 3D S 229,30 - - - - - 152 - - 3
ProMax 3D Max 130 140 - - - 131 - - - 3
6 2 0 0 1 1 5 5 0 20
PreXion (Japan) PreXion 3D 230,56 - - - - - - 219,38 - 4
Quantitative Radiology/Cefla Dental Group (Italy) NewTom - - 143 160 - - - - - 2
NewTom 9000 - 117 327,44,58 162 - 131 242,52 419,20,34,38 - 12
NewTom 3G 716,29,35,36,41,47,48 240,50 418,24,27,58 345,50,59 - 131 325,33,52 619–22,34,38 - 26
NewTom 5G 130 - - - - - - 220,21 - 3
NewTom VG 241,47 - - - - - 325,26,52 219,22 - 7
NewTom VGi - 240,55 144 - - - - 219,20 - 5
10 5 9 5 0 2 8 16 0 55
Vatech (Republic of Korea) DCT Pro - - - 162 - - - 119 - 2
PaX-Uni 3D - - - - - - - 219,20 - 2
PaX-Duo 3D - 140 - - - - - 119 - 2
Picasso Duo - - - - - - - 120 - 1
Picasso Trio 156 240,50 - - - - - 319–21 - 6
Master 3D 156 - 327,43,44 - - - - 119 - 5
PaX-i3D 130 - - - - - - - - 1
PaX Reve 3D - - 124 - - - - - - 1
PaX Zenith - - 124 - - - - - - 1
3 3 5 1 0 0 0 9 0 21
Xoran Technologies (USA) DentoCAT - - - - - - - 138 - 1
MiniCAT - - 127 - - - - - - 1
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2
Yoshida (Japan) FineCube 229,30 - - - - - 120 - 3
TOTAL 67 28 38 20 4 13 48 100 3 321

OMFS, Oral and maxillofacial surgery; TMJ, temporomandibular joint.

Cells are filled according to the number of systematic reviews that reported that CBCT unit. Inline graphic: none;Inline graphic:1 time; Inline graphic: from 2 to 5 times; Inline graphic: more than six times.