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. 2007 Apr 18;2007(2):CD006365. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006365.pub2

Bradshaw 1993.

Methods Allocation: randomised (no further details). 
 Blinding: not stated. 
 Duration: 6 months treatment, with an additional follow up at 1 year. 
 Setting: day hospital in San Diego, USA.
Participants Diagnosis: schizophrenia (DSM‐III‐R). 
 Age: mean ˜ 30 years. 
 Sex: 7M, 9F. 
 History: mean number of hospitalisations in the previous two years ˜5, receiving neuroleptic medication, living independently. 
 Exclusions: not stated.
Interventions 1. Problem solving: weekly group sessions with a trained therapist; sessions designed to help tackle daily living problems and involved four steps i. identification of a 'daily living' problem, ii. brainstorming possible solutions, iii. choosing a course of action, and iv. implementing and monitoring plan. N=8.
2. Coping skills: weekly group sessions with a trained therapists; training consisted of four modules, aiming to help manage stressors such as anxiety by i. managing physiological arousal, ii. practicing time management, iii. using cognitive restructuring as a technique for coping with negative or unusual thoughts, and iv. teaching and practicing of social skills. N=8.
Outcomes Service utilisation: number of hospitalisations. 
 Leaving the study early.
Unable to use ‐ 
 Goal state: GAS (no SD). 
 Service utilisation: mean number of days in hospital (no SD).
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk B ‐ Unclear