Treatment status of survivors at 5 years. aMedian (range) nivolumab treatment duration: 36.9 (1.8-76.2 +) months. bThe other 3 patients progressed (1.8, 4.5, and 44.2 months, respectively) after discontinuing nivolumab treatment. cAfter nivolumab treatment. dInformation on subsequent therapy was not available as of database lock. eNivolumab treatment durations for individual patients: 8.8, 21.7, 36.6, 43.3, and 43.5 months. fMedian (range) nivolumab treatment duration: 68.4 (62.9-76.2 +) months. gIncludes two patients treated with nivolumab as first subsequent therapy. hBecause of the receipt of subsequent therapy. AE, adverse event; TRAEs, treatment-related adverse events.