Search set |
MEDLINE (PubMed) |
1 |
Malaria, vivax [MeSH] |
2 |
Plasmodium vivax [MeSH] |
3 |
“Plasmodium vivax” or “P vivax” or “vivax malaria” or “non‐falciparum Malaria” Field: Title/Abstract |
4 |
1 or 2 or 3 |
5 |
Exp Reagent kits, diagnostics [MeSH] |
6 |
"Diagnostic Tests, Routine"[Mesh] |
7 |
rapid diagnostic test* Field: Title/Abstract |
8 |
RDT* Field: Title/Abstract |
9 |
Dipstick* Field: Title/Abstract |
10 |
“Rapid diagnostic device*” Field: Title/Abstract |
11 |
MRDD Field: Title/Abstract |
12 |
OptiMal Field: Title/Abstract |
13 |
“Binax NOW” or “NOW‐ICT‐Malaria” or “NOW‐Malaria‐ICT” Field: Title/Abstract |
14 |
ParaSight or Parascreen or ParaHIT Field: Title/Abstract |
15 |
“SD Bioline” or Carestart or Falcivax or Malascan Field: Title/Abstract |
16 |
Immunochromatograph* or Immuno‐chromatograph* Field: Title/Abstract |
17 |
“Antigen detection” Field: Title/Abstract |
18 |
“Rapid malaria antigen test*” Field: Title/Abstract |
19 |
“Combo card test*” Field: Title/Abstract |
20 |
Immunoassay [MeSH] |
21 |
Chromatography [MeSH] |
22 |
Enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay [MeSH] |
23 |
“Rapid test*” Field: Title/Abstract |
24 |
“Card test*” Field: Title/Abstract |
25 |
Rapid AND (detection* or device* or test* or kit*) Field: Title/Abstract |
26 |
5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22 or 23 or 24 or 25 |
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4 and 26 |