Search set | Web of Science |
# 6 | #5 AND #1 Indexes=SCI‐EXPANDED, CPCI‐S Timespan=All years |
# 5 | #4 OR #3 OR #2 Indexes=SCI‐EXPANDED, CPCI‐S Timespan=All years |
# 4 |
TOPIC: (("alere trueline" or "Rapigen biocredit" or "SD bioline" or "standard Q" or VISITECT* or PALUTOP*)) ORTOPIC: (((necviparum or "one step" or meriscreen or "onsite malaria" or paraHIt* or Quickprofile))) Indexes=SCI‐EXPANDED, CPCI‐S Timespan=All years |
# 3 |
TOPIC: (("ADVANCED QUALITY ONE STEP" or Tri‐line or BIOCREDIT or Biosynex or BioTracer or Carestart or Aspenmal)) ORTOPIC: (("combo RDT" or careUS or Coretests* or EGENS or EzDx or Falcivax or "first response" or Humasis or Karwa or KHB* or "malaria Pf (HRPII)/ PV")) Indexes=SCI‐EXPANDED, CPCI‐S Timespan=All years |
# 2 |
TOPIC: ((("rapid diagnostic test*" or RDT* or dipstick or MRDD) OR (“Binax NOW” or “NOW‐ICT‐Malaria” or “NOW‐Malaria‐ICT”))) ORTOPIC: (((ParaSight or Parascreen or ParaHIT or “SD Bioline” or Carestart or Falcivax or Malascan))) ORTOPIC: (: ((Immunochromatograph* or Immuno‐chromatograph* or "card test" or chromatography))) Indexes=SCI‐EXPANDED, CPCI‐S Timespan=All years |
# 1 |
TOPIC: (("plasmodium vivax" or "vivax malaria")) Indexes=SCI‐EXPANDED, CPCI‐S Timespan=All years |