Figure 2.
Parasitological, entomological, and river-level observations between January 2016 and June 2017, and spatial clusters of malaria prevalence in March 2016 in Libertad village. A, Evolution of malaria prevalence and incidence rates: Arrows indicate months when test-and-treat interventions were conducted with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) result available for malaria treatment within 3 days of the sample collection. B, Bars represent human biting rates (HBR) and points entomological inoculation rates (EIR) estimated in March, June, September and November 2016 and in March 2017. Shaded area represents monthly water levels of the Napo River. C, Spatial distribution of households classified according to local Moran I as high-high, high-low, not significant, low-high, and low-low clusters of malaria prevalence in March 2016. Abbreviations: b/p/n, bites/person/night; MASL, meters above sea level.