Fig. 2. Effect of exposure to other insect species on sexual behavior of D. melanogaster.
a Leptopilina heterotoma, n = 121 (exposed), 100 (unexposed). p = 0.0044, two-tailed Mann–Whitney test. Error bars = SEM. b Trichopria drosophilae, n = 67 (exposed), 67 (unexposed). p < 0.0001. c Asobara tabida, n = 81 (exposed), 85 (unexposed), p = 0.0051. g Drosophila suzukii, n = 121 (exposed), 119 (unexposed), p = 0.9592. h Muscidiflurax zaraptor, n = 101 (exposed), 101 (unexposed), p = 0.9568. Error bars in b, c, g, h are SEM. The statistical test used in b, c, g, h is a two-tailed Mann–Whitney test. In each case a male D. melanogaster and a virgin female D. melanogaster were placed in an arena with one male and one female of the indicated species. d–f, i, j A female D. melanogaster exposed to the indicated species and an unexposed female D. melanogaster were both placed in an arena with a male D. melanogaster as in Fig. 1d, d′. Dark shading indicates the percentage of cases in which the exposed female mated. d L. heterotoma p = 0.0352, chi-squared test, n = 100. e T. drosophilae p = 0.0018, n = 100. f A. tabida p = 0.0464, n = 91. i D. suzukii p = 0.9196, n = 98. j M. zaraptor p = 0.5546, n = 103. The statistical test used in e, f, i, j is a chi-squared test.