Table 3.
ASD case status |
MEPS Survey Years | Expenditures (2016 USD) | No ASD | NHIS | MEPS | NHIS orMEPS | NHIS & MEPS |
2003–2008 | N | 20,644 | 119 | 95 | 151 | 63 |
Total (95% CI) | 1553 (1457–1649) | 5364b (1785–8943) | 7700 (3159–12,241) | 5999 (2949–9049) | 7357b (1007–13,706) | |
ASD-specific (95% CI) | –a | 4340b(460–8220) | 2745 (240–5250) | –a | ||
Incremental (95% CI) | 3811 (266–7356) | 6147 (1645–10,649) | 4446 (1424–7469) | –a | ||
2009–2012 | N | 14,046 | 146 | 127 | 196 | 77 |
Total (95% CI) | 1869 (1611–2128) | 6031 (3360–8701) | 7835 (4995–10,674) | 6137 (4027–8247) | 8899 (4498–13,279) | |
ASD-specific (95% CI) | 3713b (1292–6261) | 5509 (2805–8212) | 3682 (1715–5650) | 6913b (2655–11,171) | ||
Incremental (95% CI) | 4161 (1497–6826) | 5965 (3138–8792) | 4268 (2165–6371) | 7019 (2653–11,385) | ||
2013–2015 | N | 10,686 | 170 | 138 | 221 | 87 |
Total (95% CI) | 2000 (1588–2412) | 5740 (3892–7588) | 6669 (4825–8514) | 5628 (4039–7217) | 7462 (5176–9748) | |
ASD-specific (95% CI) | 2356 (1288–3424) | 3343 (2011–4676) | 2343 (1359–3328) | 3944 (2314–5574) | ||
Incremental (95% CI) | 3740 (1915–5565) | 4670 (2834–6505) | 3628 (2044–5212) | 5462 (3211–7713) |
Source: Authors’ estimates from the MEPS 2003–2015 linked to the NHIS Sample Child Core 2001–2014. All estimates (except Ns) weighted using MEPS person-level weights adjusted for non-response to the NHIS Sample Child Core questionnaire
ASD autism spectrum disorder; CI confidence interval; MEPS Medical Expenditure Panel Survey; NHIS National Health Interview Survey; USD United States Dollars
Estimate suppressed because it does not meet MEPS guidelines for minimum cell size and/or statistical precision (relative standard error > 0.50)
Relative standard error > 0.30