Figure 1.
C. auris clinical isolates show variations in antifungal susceptibility. (A) Plate-based drug susceptibilities of clade-I C. auris clinical isolates. Overnight cultures in YPD medium were spotted on synthetic complete medium plates containing the indicated antifungals. Plates were imaged after 3 days incubation at 30°C. (B) Heatmap of screening results shown in A for the indicated strains. Colony sizes were quantified and normalized to control plates. Color codes indicate the relative colony size for the corresponding condition and represents the mean of two screening plates. (C) Confirmation of plate-based screening results using liquid growth inhibition assays. Cells were incubated in YPD medium with the indicated antifungal drugs at 30°C for 24 hours prior to OD600 measurement. Data represent mean +/- SD from 3 biological replicates.