Paired testing of mucosal and blood specimens from 8 PLH
(A) Percent T cells of total cells in rectal and ectocervical biopsies; n = 6 per tissue type. Boxes and whiskers: median; interquartile range, <1.5 × IQR and >1.5 × IQR.
(B) DSI-corrected intact proviral copies per 1 million T cells in PBMCs and rectal biopsies.
(C) DSI-corrected intact proviral copies per 1 million T cells in PBMCs and cervical biopsies.
(D) Correlation between viral loads measured from cervicovaginal lavage versus intact proviral copies in cervical T cells by ddPCR. Axes in (D) are pseudo-log10 scaled, transitioning to a linear scale approaching zero. Samples from the Discordant Shedding Cohort were run with 6 replicate wells for assay2 (assay1 was not performed on these samples) and two replicate wells for the reference assay. For the ACTU-2100 Cohort, we ran 3–11 replicate wells for assay2 and 2–6 wells for the reference assay, depending on how much gDNA was available.