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. 2021 Apr 28;373:n741. doi: 10.1136/bmj.n741

Table 5.

Factors associated with neurodevelopmental disabilities at 5½ years in the EPIPAGE-2 study among the 4440 preterm children survivors born between 24 and 34 weeks’ gestation. Multinomial regression models with multiple imputation

Neurodevelopmental disabilities* Model 1 Model 2
None (%) Mild (%) Severe or moderate (%) Mild (aOR (95% CI)) Severe or moderate (aOR (95% CI)) P value Mild (aOR (95% CI)) Severe or moderate (aOR (95% CI)) P value
Gestational age (weeks):
 24 30.6 35.8 33.6 1.57 (0.72 to 3.41) 4.60 (2.08 to 10.21) <0.001

1.73 (0.79 to 3.81) 5.93 (2.59 to 13.55) <0.001

 25 33.7 40.7 25.5 1.62 (1.03 to 2.55) 3.18 (1.73 to 5.84) 1.72 (1.07 to 2.75) 3.52 (1.84 to 6.77)
 26 34.2 37.8 28.0 1.48 (1.01 to 2.18) 3.43 (2.11 to 5.59) 1.51 (1.02 to 2.23) 3.54 (2.13 to 5.86)
 27 30.7 40.8 28.5 1.79 (1.23 to 2.60) 3.91 (2.43 to 6.27) 1.77 (1.21 to 2.59) 3.89 (2.37 to 6.38)
 28 44.7 36.2 19.2 1.09 (0.77 to 1.53) 1.80 (1.13 to 2.87) 1.06 (0.75 to 1.51) 1.74 (1.07 to 2.82)
 29 43.9 36.3 19.8 1.11 (0.80 to 1.54) 1.90 (1.20 to 2.99) 1.13 (0.81 to 1.58) 1.94 (1.20 to 3.12)
 30 46.1 36.7 17.2 1.07 (0.80 to 1.44) 1.57 (1.01 to 2.43) 1.03 (0.76 to 1.39) 1.45 (0.92 to 2.28)
 31 52.3 32.5 15.2 0.83 (0.63 to 1.10) 1.22 (0.79 to 1.87) 0.82 (0.62 to 1.10) 1.18 (0.76 to 1.85)
 32 56.5 30.6 12.9 0.72 (0.49 to 1.07) 0.95 (0.53 to 1.70) 0.69 (0.46 to 1.03) 0.86 (0.47 to 1.58)
 33 60.1 30.0 9.9 0.67 (0.47 to 0.95) 0.68 (0.39 to 1.22) 0.72 (0.50 to 1.02) 0.79 (0.44 to 1.42)
 34 50.4 37.6 12.0 1 1 1 1
 Female 53.2 33.7 13.1 1 1 0.03 1 1 0.020
 Male 49.1 35.4 15.5 1.13 (0.96 to 1.33) 1.28 (1.04 to 1.57) 1.15 (0.97 to 1.36) 1.32 (1.06 to 1.65)
 Single 49.2 35.5 15.2 1 1 0.14
1 1 0.69
 Multiple 54.4 32.8 12.8 0.88 (0.74 to 1.04) 0.83 (0.66 to 1.05) 0.97 (0.82 to 1.16) 1.01 (0.79 to 1.29)
Small for gestational age†:
 No 53.3 34.2 12.5 1 1 <0.001
1 1 <0.001
 Yes 46.5 35.2 18.2 1.25 (1.06 to 1.47) 1.58 (1.27 to 1.97) 1.24 (1.05 to 1.47) 1.59 (1.26 to 2.00)
Parents’ socioeconomic status‡:
 Professional 68.8 25.2 6.0 1 1 <0.001

1 1 <0.001

 Intermediate 56.4 34.7 8.9 1.51 (1.20 to 1.91) 1.67 (1.15 to 2.41) 1.51 (1.19 to 1.91) 1.66 (1.15 to 2.41)
 Administrative, public service,
self-employed, students
49.8 35.3 14.9 1.85 (1.46 to 2.34) 3.08 (2.20 to 4.30) 1.83 (1.44 to 2.32) 3.04 (2.17 to 4.26)
 Shop assistants, service workers 39.7 40.0 20.3 2.33 (1.75 to 3.11) 4.27 (2.87 to 6.35) 2.31 (1.73 to 3.08) 4.23 (2.84 to 6.30)
 Manual workers, unemployed 29.3 42.1 28.5 3.17 (2.36 to 4.25) 8.77 (5.97 to 12.90) 3.16 (2.35 to 4.25) 8.80 (5.97 to 12.96)

Model 1: adjusted for gestational age. Generalised estimating equations for multinomial outcome model to account for non-independence of outcomes related to multiple births.

Model 2: adjusted for gestational age, sex, single or multiple pregnancy, small for gestational age, and parents’ socioeconomic status. Generalised estimating equations for multinomial outcome model to account for non-independence of outcomes related to multiple births.


Include cerebral palsy, vision, hearing, full scale intelligence quotient, developmental coordination disorders, and behavioural difficulties (table 1).

Small for gestational age was defined as birth weight less than the 10th centile for gestational age and sex based on French intrauterine growth curves.32

Defined as the highest occupational status between occupations of the mother and the father, or mother only if living alone.