Antibodies | ||
HUWE1 | Bethyl Laboratories | A300-486A; RRID:AB_2264590 |
p53 | ThermoFisher Scientific | MA5-12571; RRID:AB_10986581 |
p21 | ThermoFisher Scientific | 33-7000; RRID:AB_2533135 |
Tubulin | Sigma-Aldrich | T9026; RRID:AB_477593 |
β-Actin | Sigma-Aldrich | A1978; RRID:AB_476692 |
Dye-conjugated secondary antibodies | Li-COR Bioscienecs | N/A |
OCT4 | Cell signaling | C30A3; RRID:AB_2167691 |
SSEA4 | Cell signaling | MC813; RRID:AB_1264259 |
NESTIN | Abcam | ab22035; RRID:AB_446723 |
TUJ1 | Covance | MMS-435P; RRID:AB_2313773 |
Ki67 | Abcam | ab15580; RRID:AB_443209 |
Donkey anti-Mouse, Alexa Fluor 488 | Invitrogen | A21202; RRID:AB_141607 |
Goat anti-Rabbit, Alexa Fluor 594 | Invitrogen | A11037; RRID:AB_2534095 |
Bacterial and virus strains | ||
E.coli BL21-CodonPlus (DE) RP | Agilent | 230255 |
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins | ||
Halt Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitors Cocktail | Thermo Scientific | 78445 |
Accutase | STEMCELL Technologies | 07922 |
mTesR.1 medium | STEMCELL Technologies | 85850 |
E8 medium | Thermo Scientific | A1517001 |
DMEM/F12 medium | GIBCO | 11330057 |
NEUROBASAL-A medium | GIBCO | 10888022 |
Knock-out serum replacement (KSOR) | GIBCO | 10828-028 |
Glutamax | Invitrogen | 35050-038 |
MEM non-essential amino acids | Sigma | M7145 |
Y27632 (Rock inhibitor) | Merck | 688000-100MG |
Noggin | R & D Systems | 1967-NG-025 |
2-mercaptoethanol | GIBCO | 31350-010 |
B27 supplement, 50x | GIBCO | 17504-044 |
B27 supplement (50x), minus vitamin A | GIBCO | 12587-010 |
N2 supplement (100x) | GIBCO | 175020-01 |
Ascorbic acid | Merck | A8960-5G |
BDNF | R&D Systems | 248-BDB-050 |
P53 | Milipore | 23-034 |
GDNF | R&D Systems | 212-GD-050 |
dibutyryl-cAMP | Sigma | D0627-250MG |
Critical commercial assays | ||
SENSE mRNA-Seq library prep kit | Lexogen GmbH, Vienna, Austria | 001.96 |
Mag-Bind RXNPure Plus beads | Omega Bio-tec, GA, USA | M1386-01 |
KAPA Library Quantification Kit | Roche | 7960204001 |
Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit on a Bioanalyzer | Agilent Technologies, CA, USA | 5067-4626 |
cBot Cluster Generation System on HiSeq4000 flowcells | Illumina Inc., CA, USA | SY-301-2002 |
Dead Cell Apoptosis Kit | Molecular Probes | V13241 |
hPSC Genetic Analysis Kit | Stem Cell Technologies | 07550 |
Deposited data | ||
RNA sequencing of healthy control and patient LCs | GEO | GEO: GSE130551 |
Experimental models: Cell lines | ||
Healthy individual LCLs (GM03798, GM07535, GM16113, GM16119) | Coriell Cell Repository (Coriell Institute for Medical Research, USA) | N/A |
XLID LCLs with HUWE1 duplication, or HUWE1 p.R2981H and p.R4187C mutations | Bosshard et al.13 | N/A |
JMS1 and JMS2 and WT LCLs with mutation HUWE1 p.G4310R | Friez et al.4 | N/A |
JMS1 patient-derived human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) | Applied StemCell (California, USA) | N/A |
Healthy control hiPSCs | ATCC, Manassas, USA CRL(S)23—in Siller et al.42 |
ATCC-DYS0100 |
Oligonucleotides | ||
Listed in Table S1. | N/A | |
Recombinant DNA | ||
shControl; pLKO.1 puro | Addgene | 8453 |
shp53 pLKO.1 puro shRNA | Addgene | 19119 |
shp53 pLKO.1 puro shRNA-427 | Addgene | 25636 |
shp53 pLKO.1 puro shRNA-941 | Addgene | 25637 |
pET28-HECT | Parsons et al.43 | N/A |
Software and algorithms | ||
bcl2fastq | Illumina, Inc., CA, USA | N/A |
STAR aligner | Dobin et al.44 | v2.4.0 |
htseq-count | Anders et al.45 | v0.6.0 |
limma voom | Ritchie et al.46 | N/A |
DAVID (Database for Annotation, Visualization, and Integrated Discovery, v6.8) | Huang et al.47 | N/A |
FlowJo™ | LLC software | v. 10.6.1 |
Fiji ImageJ | National Institute of Health | v. 1.53c |
iMaris | Bitplane | v. 8.2.1 |
Other | ||
RNeasy mini kit | QIAGEN | 74106 |
MultiScribe Reverse Transcriptase | ThermoFisher Scientific | 4311235 |
Power SYBR Green PCR Master Mix | Applied Biosystems | 43-676-59 |
Illumina HiSeq4000 instrument | Illumina, Inc., CA, USA | N/A |
BD FACSAria II | BD Biosciences | N/A |
U-bottom ultra-low attachment 96-well plates | Corning | CLS7007 |
Costar 24-well plates, flat bottom, ultra-low attachment | Corning | CLS3473-24EA |
Matrigel | BD Biosciences | 356234 |
Zeiss LSM 510 Meta live Confocal system | Zeiss | N/A |
EVOS FL Auto Cell Imaging System | ThermoFisher Scientific | AMF5000 |