Fig. 3. Evolutionary responses to antibiotic treatment in the lung.
A Changes in the genetic composition of the lung population over time. Plotted points show the portion of isolates of the ancestral strain and mutants that evolved in situ (n = 11 or 12 isolates per time point). Data points were offset for visual clarity and error bars show 90% confidence intervals in proportions calculated by the normal approximation to the binomial distribution. B Meropenem resistance and fitness of respiratory isolates (mean + /− s.e.m; n > 5 isolates per group). Fitness was measured as log-phase growth rate in culture medium lacking antibiotics (10 replicates per isolate). WbpM and MexAB-OprM mutants had high fitness relative to OprD mutants, as determined by a two-tailed Dunnett’s test treating oprD as the control group. C Colistin tolerance, as measured by the rate of cell killing at 2 mg/L colistin (mean + /− s.e.m; n > 5 isolates per group). Altered colistin tolerance was only found in MexAB-OprM mutants, as determined by a two-tailed Dunnett’s test treating the ancestral strain as a control group (P = 0.0091). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.