Fig. 1. Predictive analysis of the responsiveness to ICIs on histopathological examinations of surgically excised specimens.
a Heatmaps of individual histologic features in surgically excised specimens. Green indicates that the feature is present. Red indicates that the feature is absent. b Forest plot of the odds ratios of histological features. c ICI treatment responsiveness trained prediction model with histological features. d Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve showing the estimated AUC of the performance of the trained model. e Progression-free survival using the presence of SRC. f Overall survival using the presence of SRC. PR, partial response; CR, complete response; PD, progressive disease; SD, stable disease; R, responder; NR, nonresponder; ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitor; SRC, signet ring cell; CPS, combined positive score; Pos, positive (CPS ≥ 1); Neg, negative (CPS < 1); AUC, area under the curve; N/A, not available. *P < 0.05, as determined by multivariate logistic regression analysis.