Table 2.
Cigarette usage behaviors among Asian Indians, Chinese, and Filipinos in comparison to non-Hispanic Whites in the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), 2006–2018
Asian Indian | Chinese | Filipino | Non-Hispanic White | |
Current cigarette smoker n OR (95% CI) |
4353 0.58** (0.48–0.68) |
4715 0.50** (0.43–0.58) |
4884 1.07 (0.95–1.20) |
273,351 – |
Daily cigarette smoker n OR (95% CI) |
4353 0.56** (0.45–0.69) |
4715 0.56** (0.46–0.66) |
4884 1.12 (0.95–1.29) |
273,351 – |
Former cigarette smoker n OR (95% CI) |
4353 0.40** (0.34–0.46) |
4715 0.39** (0.33–0.45) |
4884 0.77** (0.70–0.84) |
273,351 – |
Try to quit in the last year (current smokers only) n OR (95% CI) |
275 1.55* (1.13–2.13) |
301 0.75 (0.58–1.02) |
644 1.22 (0.98–1.51) |
50,379 – |
Age first smoked regularly (current smokers) Mean (years) Difference in comparison to NHW (95% CI) |
20.7 3.2** (2.3–4.0) |
19.6 2.0**(1.2–2.9) |
19.1 1.5** (1.0–2.1) |
17.5 – |
Number of cigarettes smoked daily (current smokers) Mean (number of cigarettes) Difference in comparison to NHW (95% CI) |
6.3 7.3** (5.8–8.8) |
8.1 5.6** (4.1–7.0) |
9.7 3.9** (2.9–4.9) |
13.6 – |
Number of cigarettes smoked daily (daily smokers) Mean (number of cigarettes) Difference in comparison to NHW (95% CI) |
8.6 7.3** (5.4–9.2) |
9.8 6.0** (4.4–7.6) |
11.6 4.3** (3.2–5.3) |
15.9 – |
Years since quitting cigarettes (former smokers) Mean (years) Difference in comparison to NHW (95% CI) |
11.4 7.0** (4.9–9.1) |
16.5 1.9* (0.02–3.9) |
15.9 2.5** (1.1–3.8) |
18.4 – |
Displayed are ORs for being a current, daily, or former cigarette smoker, and for trying to quit in the last year (current smokers only), controlling for age, sex, nativity, education, and income. Age first smoked regularly, number of cigarettes smoked daily, number of cigarettes smoked daily, and years since quitting were analyzed with Tukey’s honestly significant difference (HSD) to conduct a pairwise comparison of each Asian ethnic group to NHWs
**p < 0.001, *p < 0.05