Electrically-evoked compound action potential (ECAP) amplitude-growth functions (AGFs; electrical responses to stimuli recorded from the auditory nerve, increasing with stimulus strength) over time for two mice (a and b) for multiple electrodes that were tested up to 42 DPI and two guinea pigs, one with good cochlear health tested up to 261 DPI (c) and one with poor cochlear health tested up to 240 DPI (d). Recovery in AGFs over time can be seen for mouse 7707L1 for all tested electrodes (a1, 2, and 3) and the guinea pig with good cochlear health (c). For mouse 7708L1 (b1 and 2) and the guinea pig with poorer cochlear health (d), AGFs recover less or not at all over time. Individual symbols are specified for each mouse and circles for guinea pigs. Color progressions show changes over time with all final data points in black regardless of DPI. For further information, identification boxes list the species, animal number, stimulating electrode condition (i.e. 1-G means electrode 1 was being stimulated and its return ground was G the ball in the neck), and treatment paradigm.