Fig. 3. Emergent constraints on the cumulative Southern Ocean Cant uptake in CMIP6.
The projected cumulative Cant uptake in the Southern Ocean south of 30°S across the CMIP6 model ensemble for (A) the historical period from 1850 to 2005, and the historical and future period from 1850 to 2100 under (C) SSP1-2.6, (E) SSP2-4.5, and (G) SSP5-8.5 against the present-day (1986–2005) mean sea surface salinity between the PF and STF. Linear regression fits (red dashed lines) and the associated 68% prediction intervals are shown in (A), (C), (E), and (G), as are observation-based estimates of present-day annual sea surface density between the PF and STF (black dashed lines) with the associated uncertainty (black shaded area). Probability density functions for the cumulative Southern Ocean Cant uptake from (B) 1850 to 2005 and from 1850 to 2100 under (D) SSP1-2.6, (F) SSP2-4.5, and (H) SSP5-8.5, before (“CMIP6 prior,” transparent) and after (“after constraint,” opaque) the emergent constraint is applied. Data-based estimates are shown in (B) as dash-dotted (5, 7) and dotted (8) lines and are scaled to the same definition of Cant as the models (see Materials and Methods).