Fig. 3.
Historical control data of APC experiments. Percentage of tail DNA in the solvent control (SC) and positive control (PC, i.e., BaP) both with APC of individual experiments as obtained with the Phenion®FT during Phases 1 and 2 of coded testing are shown. The SC + APC values (circles) and BaP + APC values (diamonds) for the keratinocytes (dark blue symbols and lines) and fibroblasts (red symbols and lines) are given as mean ± SD (N = 3 samples each). Faint symbols indicate values obtained in Phase 1 and dark symbols indicate values from Phase 2 of the validation. The light blue-shaded and orange-shaded areas indicate the reference range (mean ± 2 SD) for the SC, i.e., historical control, for keratinocytes and fibroblasts, respectively. The reference ranges were derived from the control data of Phase 2. The y-axis is on the arcsine square-root transformed scale, but the tick labels are expressed in units of the percentage scale.