Economic indicators |
ECO1 |
Overall income per capita |
GDP per capita at PPP, thousand EUR 2015 |
ECO2 |
Overall use of energy |
Gross Inland Energy Consumption per capita, kgoe/capita |
ECO3 |
Energy intensity |
Gross Inland Energy Consumption per GDP, koe/EUR2015 |
ECO4 |
Households electricity prices |
EURct/kWh |
ECO5 |
Households natural gas prices |
Environmental indicators |
ENV1 |
Total GHG emissions dynamics |
Index 1990, % |
ENV2 |
GHG intensity of gross available energy |
kg CO2eq/toe |
ENV3 |
GHG intensity of GDP |
ton CO2eq/ MEUR 2015 |
ENV4 |
Total GHG per capita |
CO2 eq per capita—kg CO2 eq/cap |
ENV5 |
Share of RES in final energy consumption |
% |
Social indicators |
SOC1 |
Energy poverty in terms of affordable heating |
Inability to keep home adequately warm, % |
SOC2 |
Energy poverty in terms of inability to pay energy bills |
Arrears on energy bills, % |
SOC3 |
Energy poverty in terms of abnormally low absolute energy expenditures |
M/2 indicator on low absolute energy expenditures presents the share of households whose absolute energy expenditure is below half the national median, % |
SOC 4 |
Energy poverty in terms of very high share of energy expenditures in income |
The 2 M indicator presents the proportion of households whose share of energy expenditure in income is more than twice the national median share, % |
SOC 5 |
Energy poverty in terms of inability to renovate house |
Dwellings with leakages and damp walls, % |