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. 2021 Apr 29;158(1):319–371. doi: 10.1007/s11205-021-02685-9

Table 3.

Indicators framework developed to track policies impact on low carbon just transition. Source: created by authors based on (IAEA, 2005)

Code Indicator Units of measurement
Economic indicators
ECO1 Overall income per capita GDP per capita at PPP, thousand EUR 2015
ECO2 Overall use of energy Gross Inland Energy Consumption per capita, kgoe/capita
ECO3 Energy intensity Gross Inland Energy Consumption per GDP, koe/EUR2015
ECO4 Households electricity prices EURct/kWh
ECO5 Households natural gas prices EUR/m3
Environmental indicators
ENV1 Total GHG emissions dynamics Index 1990, %
ENV2 GHG intensity of gross available energy kg CO2eq/toe
ENV3 GHG intensity of GDP ton CO2eq/ MEUR 2015
ENV4 Total GHG per capita CO2 eq per capita—kg CO2 eq/cap
ENV5 Share of RES in final energy consumption %
Social indicators
SOC1 Energy poverty in terms of affordable heating Inability to keep home adequately warm, %
SOC2 Energy poverty in terms of inability to pay energy bills Arrears on energy bills, %
SOC3 Energy poverty in terms of abnormally low absolute energy expenditures M/2 indicator on low absolute energy expenditures presents the share of households whose absolute energy expenditure is below half the national median, %
SOC 4 Energy poverty in terms of very high share of energy expenditures in income The 2 M indicator presents the proportion of households whose share of energy expenditure in income is more than twice the national median share, %
SOC 5 Energy poverty in terms of inability to renovate house Dwellings with leakages and damp walls, %