Dissociation of tic expression from LFP spikes during the sleep-wake cycle
(A) The mean shape of the gyroscope signal in each session (different colors), aligned to LFP spike onset. The vertical black line marks the LFP spike onset.
(B) The fraction of tic identification around LFP spike events. ∗p < 0.01.
(C) Comparison of the duration of the mean LFP spike shapes and the related mean gyroscope in each session, during the quiet waking state.
(D) Comparison of the latency of the mean LFP spike shapes and the related mean gyroscope deflection in each session, in the quiet waking state.
(E) The magnitude of each LFP spike versus the intensity of its subsequent motor tic within sessions (different colors), during the quiet waking state (left) and the transition period (right). Black dots: the mean value in each session, black line: regression line.
(F) The mean LFP spike magnitude in each session (different colors) compared with the mean intensity of the motor tics, during the quiet waking state (red), transition period (gray), and sleep (blue).