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. 2021 Apr 15;9:662916. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.662916


Molecularly-defined forms of ASD with GI symptoms.

Genetic locus Foundation: Reported GI distress Publications reporting GI distress case reportsCR
ADNP ADNP Kids Research Foundation: GERD, reflux, cyclical vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, delayed digestion, stomach ulcers/scarring, IBS Van Dijck et al. (2019)
CDKL5 International Foundation for CDKL5 Research: Abdominal distension, constipation, diarrhea, reflux, slow gastric emptying, low motility, risk of life-threatening volvulus and intussusception Amin et al. (2017)
CHD8 SPARK: Gastrointestinal issues Bernier et al. (2014)
CNTNAP2 Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation: Syndrome 1 constipation Gregor et al. (2011)
Dup Chr 15q Dup 15 Q Alliance: Feeding issues in infancy, encopresis, acid reflux, some with G-tube Shaaya et al. (2015)
FOXG1 International FOXG1 Foundation: Constipation McMahon et al. (2015)
FOXP1 Siper et al., 2017 found that of 9 people with FOXP1 syndrome, 3 had feeding issues and 4 had constipation. Frohlich et al. (2016, 2019), Siper et al. (2017)
KCNQ2 KCNQ2 Cure Alliance: GI issues seen commonly Inagaki et al. (2019)
MECP2 Rett syndrome/Rett Syndrome Research Trust: 92% prevalence of GI dysmotility Motil et al. (2012)
NRXN1 Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation: Syndrome 2 constipation, reflux Zweier et al. (2009); Harrison et al. (2011)
PTEN PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome Foundation: Intestinal hamartomatous polyposis Shaco-Levy et al. (2017)
SCN1A Dravet Syndrome Foundation: Constipation, dysmotility Villas et al. (2017)
SCN2A Families SCN2A Foundation: Reflux and constipation Tian et al. (2019)
SHANK3 Phelan McDermid Syndrome Foundation: Constipation, reflux, some with G-tube De Rubeis et al. (2018)
SYNGAP1 Bridge the Gap SYNGAP1 ERF: Constipation, reflux, links btn GI and aggression, some with G-tube. Parker et al. (2015); Prchalova et al. (2017)
TCF4 Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation: Gastrointestinal issues Peippo and Ignatius (2012)
TSC 1 and 2 Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance: Rectal bleeding, papillomas in GI tract, constipation Moulis et al. (1992)
UBE3A Angelman Syndrome Foundation Inc.: Constipation/possibly due to low truncal tone, reflux/gagging Williams et al. (2010)