Presence of enteric neurons within the aganglionic gut of Wnt1Cre;R26tdTom;Ednrb-/-mice. (A and A’) Whole-mount views of the gut from a P0 Wnt1Cre;R26tdTom;Ednrb-/- mouse, showing an innervated segment within the aganglionic intestine. Arrowheads indicate the proximal wavefront of eNCCs and arrows indicate pioneer pelvic ganglion-arising axons within the distal hindgut. (B) Representative magnified view of the innervated segment, showing mNCC-derived neurons (TUJ1+/PHOX2B+/SOX10-; white arrowheads), mNCC-derived glia (TUJ1-/PHOX2B-/SOX10+; green arrowheads), and NCCs (TUJ1-/PHOX2B+/SOX10+; red arrowheads). (C) Incidence of different types of aganglionosis within the guts of Ednrb-/- and Wnt1Cre;R26tdTom;Ednrb-/- mice. CC, cecum; DCA, distal colonic aganglionosis; DCA with SS, skip segment within DCA sample SS, skip segment; TCA, total colonic aganglionosis; TCA with SS, skip segment within TCA sample.