Concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) heatmap for all radiomic features (RFs) before and after texture translation. The heatmaps display the CCC of all RF groups by classes of RF. In each RF class, the left column (framed in orange) compared native RFs (ie, nDDs to nFCFDs). The two other columns (framed in red) compared native to translated RFs (ie, nDDs to fDDs and nFCFDs to fFCFDs). Numerical values of CCC for all RFs are available in Table E1 (supplement). DD = Philips DigitalDiagonost, FCFD = Siemens Fluorospot Compact FD, fDD = fake DD image, fFCFD = fake FCFD image, GAN = generative adversarial network, GLCM = gray-level co-occurrence matrix, GLDM = gray-level dependence matrix, GLRLM = gray-level run length matrix, GLSZM = gray-level size zone matrix, nDD = native DD image, nFCFD = native FCFD image, NGTDM = neighboring gray tone difference matrix.