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. 2021 Mar 26;44(9):zsab075. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsab075

Table 2.

Objective sleep parameters for whole study population

Pre-lockdown During lockdown
Weekdays Weekend Weekdays Weekend
Sleep duration and continuity
Total sleep time (min) 394 (361 to 425) 411 (368 to 453) 398 (363 to 431) 408 (364 to 453)
Delta TST (min) Raw data* Ref 16 (−9 to 46.6) 5 (−13 to 23) 14 (−10 to 43)
Adjusted 18 (±1.9) 3.8 (±1.3)‡,§ 16.8 (±1.8)‡,||
Time in bed (min) 456 (423 to 489) 476 (439 to 514) 463 (429 to 495) 474 (432 to 518)
Delta TIB (min) Raw data Ref 17 (−8 to 51) 5 (−10 to 24) 14 (−9 to 45)
Adjusted 20 (±2) 6 (±1.4) −8 (±2)
Sleep efficiency (%) 88 (83 to 91) 88 (82 to 92) 87 (82 to 91) 88 (83 to 92)
Delta sleep efficiency (%) Raw data Ref 0.4 (−2 to 2) −0.3 (−2.3 to 2) 0.1 (−2 to 3)
Adjusted −0.06 (±0.2) −0.31 (±0.17) 0.52 (±0.25)
WASO (min) 19 (10 to 36) 20.3 (9 to 38) 20 (9 to 36) 19 (9 to 35)
Delta WASO Raw data Ref 0.2 (−6 to 7) −0.2 (−6 to 5) −0.6 (−8 to 7)
Adjusted 1.3 (±0.7) −0.14 (±0.6) −1.1 (± 0.8)
Sleep architecture
N2 (min) 194 (166 to 225) 202 (170 to 234) 196 (170 to 227) 203 (174 to 233)
Delta N2 (min) Raw data Ref 7 (−11 to 26) 1.9 (−12 to 17) 5.6 (−12 to 26)
Adjusted 6.6 (±1.4) 2 (±1) 7 (±1.3)
N3 (min) 80 (59 to 100) 81 (60 to 101) 80 (59 to 99) 81 (59 to 99)
Delta N3 (min) Raw data Ref −0.3 (−8 to 7) −1.5 (−9 to 5) −1.5 (−10 to 8)
Adjusted −0.05 (±0.55) −1.75 (±0.51) −1.24 (±0.63)
REM (min) 113 (88 to 134) 124 (98 to 148) 115 (95 to 138) 120 (98 to 147)
Delta REM (min) Raw data Ref 10 (−3 to 23) 4 (−7 to 15) 10 (−4 to 25)
Adjusted 3.7 (±0.8) 11.4 (±1) 10.7 (±1)
SOD (min) 19 (13 to 27) 17 (12 to 24) 20 (14 to 28) 18. (13 to 26)
Delta SOD (min) Raw data Ref −1.4 (−6 to 2) 1.2 (−2.3 to 6) −0.1 (−4 to 5)
Adjusted −0.9 (±0.5) 1.8 (±0.3) 0.6 (±0.4)

WASO = wake time after sleep onset; SOD = sleep onset delay/latency (time from lights out to falling asleep).

*Raw data: data are presented as the median difference and interquartile range with weekday pre-lockdown values as reference.

Adjusted: estimation of the mixed model with a random effect for the user, adjusted on age and gender (standard error).

Significant effect of the lockdown or interaction between weekend and lockdown compared to weekday pre-lockdown (reference).

§This corresponds to the lockdown effect.

||This corresponds to the interaction term between weekend and lockdown and can be interpreted as the cumulative effect of the weekend during lockdown compared to the week pre-lockdown.