Top upstream regulators identified within all three groups (shared, human specific, and rhesus specific), in at least two groups, human-specific only or rhesus-specific DEGs groups. Upstream regulators (URs) were identified in ingenuity pathway analysis and then graphed in R. URs were classified according to functions. Significance was set at a −log10(P value) of 1.3 or greater as indicated by the vertical dashed lines and all entries were found to be significant. The red dots indicate activation of the UR with a z > 1.96. The blue dots indicated inhibition of the UR with a z < −1.96. The black dots indicate no significant z-score to determine directionally of the URs. Solid symbols denote URs for which mRNA expression was detected in the RNAseq data, and open symbols denote URs for which mRNA expression was not detected. DEGs, differentially expressed genes.