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. 2019 Aug 22;26(4):350–359. doi: 10.5603/CJ.a2018.0023

Table 2.

Preoperative, early postoperative, and follow-up Doppler echocardiography data for non-stenosis and stenosis patients.

Variables Non-stenosis (n = 86) Stenosis (n = 28)

Preoperative Postoperative Follow-up Preoperative Postoperative Follow-up
LVEF [%] 51.03 ± 11.24 52.13 ± 10.10 53.05 ± 9.82 50.71 ± 7.14 51.61 ± 7.14 54.29 ± 8.63
LVEDD mid-ventricle [mm] 57.59 ± 6.29 52.65 ± 6.35 54.44 ± 6.60 58.48 ± 5.17 53.25 ± 4.61 55.18 ± 5.16
LVESD mid-ventricle [mm] 38.72 ± 8.70 35.63 ± 7.87 35.94 ± 7.84 38.95 ± 5.24 35.89 ± 4.97 35.48 ± 6.39
LAD [mm] 41.48 ± 5.08* 37.49 ± 4.56 41.21 ± 5.68 44.37 ± 6.18# 39.50 ± 5.52 46.07 ± 5.92#
Grade of mitral regurgitation:
 3+ 82 (95.35%) 28 (100%)
 4+ 4 (4.65%) 0
Tricuspid regurgitation: 29 (33.72%) 16 (18.60%) 11 (39.29%) 10 (35.71%)
 0/1+/2+/3+/4+ 57/22/5/2/0 70/15/1/0/0 17/9/1/1/0 18/10/0/0/0
Pulmonary hypertension: 10 (11.63%) 6 (6.98%) 4 (14.29%) 4 (14.29%)
 Systolic PAP < 40 mmHg 5 2 3 1
 Systolic PAP 40–60 mmHg 3 3 1 2
 Systolic PAP > 60 mmHg 2 1 0 1
Transmitral mean gradient [mmHg] 3.24 ± 1.00 3.28 ± 1.02 3.57 ± 1.10 6.93 ± 1.97#
PPG [mmHg]: 6.41 ± 2.29* 7.39 ± 2.36 9.04 ± 3.28# 16.19 ± 3.95#
 PPG < 7.4 mmHg 61 (70.93%) 7 (25.00%)
 PPG ≥ 7.4 mm Hg, n (%) 25 (29.07%) 21 (75.00%)

Data are shown as mean ± standard deviation or number (percentage).


Indicates variables entered into logistic regression.


p < 0.05 (non-stenosis group vs. stenosis group).

LVEF — left ventricular ejection fraction; LVEDD — left ventricular end-diastolic dimension; LVESD — left ventricular end-systolic dimension; LAD — left atrial dimension. PAP — pulmonary artery pressure; PPG — transmitral peak pressure gradient