Fig. 3. ST of miRNA-targeted ZIKVs from male to female mice.
a Design of the ZIKV ST experiment. b ST rate (%) of the 2 × scr and miRNA-targeted ZIKVs. c Infection rate (%) of indicated viruses in AG129 female mice following intravaginal inoculation with the dose of 105 pfu of each virus. Difference in the ST rates (b) and in the intravaginal infection rates (c) between 2 × scr and miRNA-targeted viruses was compared using two-tailed Fisher’s exact test followed by Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (ns, p > 0.999). d Stability of miRNA targets or scr sequences in ZIKV genomes recovered from the serum of female mice following male-to-female sexual virus transmission. e–h Mean titer ± standard deviation (SD) at 17 dpi and miRNA target stability of ZIKVs recovered from the testis (e), epididymis (f), vas deferens (VasD) (g), and SV/P (h) of male mice participating in the mating experiment. Reproductive organs (number is shown in each panel) were analyzed only for those males whose female mating partners developed detectable ZIKV viremia. (Note: vas deferens and SV/P were not collected from 4 out of 9 male mice infected with 2 × 202(T) and from 1 out of 3 mice infected with 2 × 202/141(T) viruses). The dashed lines indicate the limit of virus detection: 1.7 log10(pfu/g) for testis and SV/P (e, h) and 0.7 log10(pfu/mouse) for epididymis and vas deferens (f, g). i Sequence comparison of the 2 × 202/141(T) virus recovered from female serum and from different organs within the MRS of the corresponding mating male partner. Esc escape mutant, @ virus titer in the testis and SV/P is expressed as log10(pfu/g), & virus titer in the epididymis and vas deferens is expressed as log10(pfu/mouse). NA—virus titer or target stability was not assessed. Differences between the titers of 2 × scr and each of the miRNA-targeted viruses in the mouse organs were compared using one-way ANOVA with multiple comparison adjustment (Dunnett’s test). **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; ****p < 0.0001. p values (from left to right): e ns, p = 0.3338. f ns, p = 0.5073; ns, p = 0.8552. g ns, p = 0.8181, h ns, p = 0.1116. ND—p-value is not determined.