Table 1.
Focus Group Question Guide
Spiritual and Social Support a. Many people feel that spirituality is important, and that there is a connection between spiritual beliefs and a sense of well-being: In what ways have your spiritual beliefs helped you? b. Can you give me an example of a time that your spiritual beliefs influenced a decision about your healthcare treatment? c. Some people find it helpful to confide in their church community: In what ways have you used your church to support you in your journey? |
Probes: 1. How comfortable are you with sharing your healthcare concerns with someone at church? 2. Please give an example of a time you informed someone in your church about your health? (tell a story). |
Resources a. We are interested in your resources and support: If you or a loved one became progressively ill and you needed health information, social service information, or family help, who would you talk to? -What resources would you use? b. What are ways the healthcare team could work with the church community? Probe: For example, a church leader or health minister being a resource to connect someone with a healthcare referral. A church leader praying with the healthcare team or being there during difficult decisions about treatment. |
Probe: 1. What are you experiences with your healthcare team and church community working together to address your health needs? |